The Zimbabwe Sentinel-Media Centre

Telling the other story – MEDIA CENTRE

Jonathan Moyo

ZLHR: High Court ends two months detention of Mamombe and Chimbiri

High Court Judge Justice Tawanda Chitapi on Wednesday 5 May 2021 ended the two-month detention of Harare West constituency legislator Joana Mamombe and opposition MDC-Alliance party youth leader Cecilia Chimbiri by granting them RTGS$20 000 bail. Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human…

Analysis Politics

Comment: MDC Must Not Slacken on Reform Push

Yesterday’s MDC organised march in push for reforms could not have come at an appropriate time. With Zimbabwe almost heading for another sham election.  With observer missions trooping onto the country and with the imperative for salvaging the country from…


Constitutionalism, Democracy and the 2018 elections

By Collins Chirinda   Winston Churchill: “History is written by the victors” ON November 14 2017, nearly a month before Christmas Eve, the history of a young Zimbabwe was forever re-written. Analysts called it a coup whilst the general population…

News Opinion

Who is the most accessible government minister?

One of the critical elements of effective service delivery, accountability and transparency is the level at which key government officers are accessible to the general public and media to answer questions on public policy. The media acts as the bridge…

Prof Moyo’s camera censorship threats alarming   

By Arthur Chatora The recent disturbing threats made by Information, Media and Broadcasting Services minister Prof Jonathan Moyo in Bulawayo that the state security will confiscate journalists’ cameras and digital devices should the president fall again raises concern over government…