The Zimbabwe Sentinel-Media Centre

Telling the other story – MEDIA CENTRE

Month: July 2015

Economy News Opinion

Chinamasa says right things but…..

Editorial Comment Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa announced the government would cut its expenditure by 40 %.He also warned that those who imported clothes risked having those clothes confiscated by the state. Whether this is achievable or not, time will tell….

Citizen Files Opinion

SMEs work in unsafe and insecure conditions

The razing to the ground of the Glenview sofa complex in an inferno was a dark day for many smes owners who depended on that project for their livelihoods. Many families were affected by this accident. The incident has opened…

Analysis News

Zim Labour Movement’s Challenges In the Age of State Capitalism

By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s labour movement is in serious trouble and this is not an understatement. Recent Supreme Court rulings have left the Zimbabwean worker with difficult legal options in relation to their rights vis-à-vis those of the employer. The…

News Tech

Mobile money revolutionizes financial services sector: Mandiwanzira

BY BYRON MUTINGWENDE HARARE – The use of mobile money has greatly revolutionized the financial services sector by promoting financial inclusion of the previously unbanked population, a senior government official has said. In his opening remarks at the inaugural Mobile…

Economy News

Local small holder farmers struggle to secure markets

THOMAS MADHUKU Chipo Mlambo, a local farmer at the Maunganidze irrigation scheme in Chipinge has been involved in horticulture farming for the past 15 years, raising her five children in the absence of her husband who passed on in 1998….

News Politics

Government and capital ‘gang’ up against workers

Editoral Comment The Supreme court ruling in the last 2 weeks has attracted a lot of condemnation from workers around the country after thousands of workers lost their jobs. Investors and economic analysts have pointed out that labour costs in…

Opinion Politics

ZANU PF fails to deliver on its promises

Mlondolozi Ndlovu On Friday next week the country marks 3 years since ZANU PF won the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local government elections in a victory they claimed was ‘resounding’ and reminiscent of the party’s 1980 victory. However, elections in Zimbabwe…

News Opinion

Even opposition activists must be protected by the State

Editorial Comment The Itai Dzamara disappearance has caused a lot of consternation within the country. The opposition forces blame the state which has a history of intolerance and abducting its political opponents. On the other hand some elements in the…

News Opinion

Zimbabweans overcharge for goods and services

Editorial Comment One of the biggest problems in Zimbabwe is over charging for goods and services and unfair business practices. This problem has brought suffering to many vulnerable Zimbabweans who have to pay a fortune for goods and services that…

Gender Social Welfare

Women suffer most as divorce cases skyrocket.

Misheck Shambare High divorce cases that are prevailing in the country at the moment have led to a lot of prostitution amongst women in the marginalized areas because of economic challenges. Normally when a couple divorces, their children are left…